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1. 4 dark coloured shirts
2. 4 long pants/ track pants (*Shorts are not allowed in this camp)
3. Undergarments
4. *Track/sports shoes (If don’t have any, bring covered shoes which are comfortable   for running)
5. Socks
6. Slippers/sandals
7. Toiletries
8. Bath towel
9. Water bottle (preferably 1.5L)

10. Sleeping bag (optional)
11. Praying paraphernalia (i.e praying mat, veil etc)
12. *Medication
13. *Indemnity form
14. Poncho/ Umbrella
15. Insect repellant (Optional but recommended)
16. *EZ-LINK  with minimum $20 value
17. Money (Optional)

18. *Plastic Cup and plate

19. Fork & Spoon

20. *Small Day Bag (suitable for running around with)

21. *N95 mask

(*) = important items to bring

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